
Ohio Pro-Lifers Successfully Lobby City to Shut Down Abortion Clinic

The following are excerpts from an July 22, 2008 article appearing on

“Ohio Abortion Center Evicted After Complaints From Local Pro-Life Advocates”
By Steven Ertelt, – July 22, 2008

Local pro-life advocates in this city near Akron successfully got local officials to evict an abortion business that set up shop near a legitimate medical center. Formerly known as Ohio Women’s Center, G&H Healthcare served as an abortion business in the city of Green in Summit County.

G&H was located in an office complex and, according to Judith Hoyt, an officer with Summit County Right to Life, the neighboring medical center received constant questions about whether it did abortions.

Members of the Right to Life group brought the concerns to the owners of the office complex and Green Mayor Dick Norton. Local pro-life advocates also began demonstrating outside the abortion center.

“Right to Life of Summit County urged its members to call or e-mail the mayor’s office and to hold peaceful and prayerful protests outside the business,” RLSC director Greg Frank said.

Norton recently stated that the owner of the Corporate Woods Parkway office complex evicted G&H Healthcare because of disturbances, including demonstrations outside the complex.

The landlord of the office center has given the abortion facility officials three days to pack up and move out. G&H was accused of not providing complete information about the fact that it does surgical abortions.

Following their initial success, Frank said Right to Life of Summit County will continue to monitor both the situation in Green and the future locations of abortion centers in northeast Ohio.

< end of excerpts from article >

Read the entire news article here: