
FPN Staff, Directors and Advisors

Family Policy Network’s staff and state directors are knowledgeable Christian leaders and activists who have worked for a variety of pro-family organizations and causes.

Joe Glover, M.Div. [picture]

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After working as a paid consultant for a number of local, state and federal campaigns, Joe founded Family Policy Network (FPN) in 1997 to inform Christians and confront the culture on the important moral issues of the day. The group has board members, supporters and volunteers in several states.

Thousands of pastors and activists have read Glover’s public policy newsletters and updates. Many more have learned about his efforts to promote traditional values through publications like the AFA Journal, Citizen Magazine, Human Events, The Economist and Time Magazine. His comments on a variety of subjects have been printed in newspapers throughout the nation, including The Miami Herald, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post and USA Today. He has participated as an invited guest on a number of nationally televised news programs like CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360” and “Crossfire,” CourtTV’s “Catherine Crier Live,” FoxNews Channel’s “Hannity & Colmes,” MSNBC’s “Buchanan and Press” and “Hardball with Chris Matthews” and Public Broadcasting’s “The News Hour with Jim Lehrer.” Thousands of radio stations have broadcast his interviews on programs like the Ken Hamblin Show, “The Oliver North Show” and Sam Donaldson’s “Live in America.”

Glover is a licensed minister. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management from Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia and a Master of Divinity degree from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina. He lives in central Virginia with his wife and their four children.

Terry Moffitt, Ph.D. [picture]
Board Chairman

Email Terry Moffitt

After twelve years of teaching Government, Understanding the Times, Economics, World and American History, and Physics to high school students, Terry Moffitt served for eight years as the principal of Wesleyan Christian Academy in High Point, North Carolina. During that time, the school became the largest Wesleyan school in the world. In 1989, Moffitt was elected to the High Point City Council. During his three year tenure on Council, he drafted and passed North Carolina’s first Adult Entertainment Ordinance containing licensing provisions. Since that time the ordinance has been used in more than 80 cities across the country to control sexually oriented businesses. In 1993, Moffitt traveled to Eastern Europe to teach Russian teachers and administrators how to establish courses in Biblical Morals and Ethics in Russian public schools and colleges at the request of the Russian government. Since that time, over 80 million Russian students have taken the course. In December 1994, the House Committee on Education and Labor enlisted Moffitt to help establish and prioritize the education agenda of the 104th Congress. In 1995, Moffitt served as the East Region Director for the Alan Keyes for President ‘96 campaign committee. In 1997, Moffitt spent time in Croatia and Bosnia visiting orphanages and refugee camps in the aftermath of the war in Bosnia.

Moffitt has appeared as an invited guest on numerous television and radio shows, including ABC’s “Nightline,” Fox News Channel’s “FoxWire” and “Fox and Friends;” and NBC’s “Today” program. He received an Angel Award in 1995 for Inspirational Programming and has written for publications such as Charisma Magazine, The Pathfinder and The Carolina Christian News. Moffitt is also an Adjunct Professor of School Law in the graduate program at Columbia International University and teaches the Political Action major each summer at the Summit at Bryan College.

Dr. Moffitt received his BA in Secondary Social Studies Education from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill while playing basketball on a sports scholarship. He earned an M.Ed. in Educational Administration and Supervision from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and a PhD from Jacksonville Theological Seminary. Dr. Moffitt and his wife live in High Point, North Carolina.

Alex Mason, Policy Analyst [picture]
Email Alex Mason

As a policy analyst for Family Policy Network, Alex Mason has conducted extensive research on a variety of high-profile issues in public policy, drafting timely position papers and defending the core tenants of Christian morality before media outlets across the country.

Mason’s policy paper exposing the abortifacient nature of the so-called “Morning-After pill” has been widely distributed by a variety of pro-life organizations, including Pharmacists for Life International and Liberty Counsel. His case-by-case analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of various state marriage amendments was the first of its kind in the nation. His comments on “gay marriage” and homosexual activism in public schools have appeared in the American Family Association Journal and AgapePress, and have been heard on news-talk and Christian radio stations throughout the nation.

During his college career, Mason volunteered for a variety of conservative political campaigns and non-profit organizations. For part of that time, Alex hosted a political talk radio program called “Alex Mason Live.” The weekly, hour-long program featured a number of elected officials and community leaders as guests, routinely covering some of the more controversial issues of the day. One of the organizations that Mason worked for in college was Family Policy Network – – first as a volunteer, then as a full-time intern, and ultimately as a permanent member of the organization’s staff in Central Virginia.

Alex graduated with honors from the Helms School of Government at Liberty University, where he earned the first Ronald S. Godwin award for Political Activism. He is pursuing a master’s degree in Christian Ethics from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina, but continues to live and work in Central Virginia.

Matt Chancey, Alabama State Director

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Matt Chancey is the fulltime husband of Jennie and the father of seven children. In his spare time, he is the President of Kudzu Communications, Inc., a full service Public Relations/Political Consulting firm in Birmingham.

Born and raised in Alabama, Matt was home schooled and began reading his local newspaper and writing letters to the editor when he was 12 years old. At 19, he was hired by the Home School Legal Defense Association, where he worked for nearly three years to try to shut down the federal Department of Education and secure the rights of parents to educate their children free from federal government interference.

At 22, Matt left HSLDA to work as an independent political consultant. His list of clients included the National Right to Work Committee, Gun Owners of America, The Conservative Caucus Foundation, the U.S. Taxpayers Alliance, as well as numerous local, state and federal campaign committees. In 2002, Matt was hired to serve as Public Relations Manager for a large government contractor in Washington, DC, where he worked before starting Kudzu Communications in 2005.

In addition to his duties as State Director for Family Policy Network of Alabama, Matt serves on the board of The Conservative Caucus, and is also a founding Board Member of the Persecution Project Foundation, an organization seeking to assist the persecuted Christian church in Africa, especially the Sudan.

Marnie Deaton, Virginia State Director

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Marnie Deaton worked as a missionary with Campus Crusade for Christ for 10 years, both as a student volunteer at Penn State and as a staff member at Cornell and Rice Universities. She spent her summers working as a domestic and international missionary and met her husband while on a summer mission project in a closed country.

Marnie became interested in public policy while observing firsthand the poverty and oppression that was evident in third world countries. She worked with Concerned Women for America of Mississippi and most recently served as the Legislative Coordinator for Concerned Women for America of Virginia.

In addition to directing the statewide efforts of FPN in Virginia, Marnie works to promote family-friendly public policy at the local level as the head of The Central Virginia Family Forum.

Marnie received her Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education from Pennsylvania State University in State College, Pennsylvania and attended Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson Mississippi. She lives in Central Virginia with her husband and five children.

Ron Shank, Tennessee State Director

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Ron Shank worked as an radio broadcaster and production talent in Mississippi and Arkansas. Shortly after becoming a Christian, Shank began working for American Family Radio and the American Family Association (AFA). While there, his computer expertise and knowledge of the Internet led to his transition to webmaster for AFA and the eventual move to American Family Online and AFA Filter. In 2001, Shank started his own Internet services and consulting company, which now boasts clients in all 50 states and internationally from Hawaii to Ireland.

Shank served in the United States Air Force. He is currently an active Rotarian, as well as a certified lay speaker in the Tennessee Conference of United Methodist Church. He lives in Tennessee with his wife and three children.

National Advisors

Mr. Gary Glenn, President
American Family Association of Michigan
Midland, MI

Dr. Larry Grays, President
Larry Grays Ministries
Atlanta, GA

Mr. Peter Labarbera, Executive Director
Americans for Truth
Naperville, IL

Mr. David Miller, Vice President
Citizens for Community Values
Cincinnati, OH

Dr. Terry Moffitt, President
The TCMI Group
High Point, NC

Rev. Scott Smith, President
SNS Ministries
Knoxville, TN