Read What Californians Are Saying to Hallmark About Their “same-sex couple” Cards
[FPN] – – Many citizens throughout California (see their comments below) have joined a nationwide boycott against Hallmark Incorporated, in response to that company’s introduction of so-called “same-sex couple” greeting cards. The boycott, which was announced in August by Family Policy Network, has begun to attract supporters in cities and towns throughout the nation.
The text of the Boycott Hallmark petition reads as follows:
To: Hallmark Cards CEO Donald J. Hall
In Isaiah 5:20, God warns against exchanging good for evil by saying, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (NKJV)
In Mark 10:6-8, God’s design for marriage is expressed clearly by Jesus Christ, when He declares, “But from the beginning of the creation, God ‘made them male and female.’ For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh; so then they are no longer two, but one flesh.” (NKJV)
I urge you to withdraw any and all products sold by your company that celebrate, condone or otherwise encourage homosexual conduct and/or relationships. Unless and until you do, you have my pledge that I will refrain from doing business with your company.
Many Californians who signed the petition to boycott Hallmark over its pro-homosexual cards added their own comments to the statement above. Here is a sampling of those comments:
- Madonna in Shasta Lake, CA writes, “We’re supposed to love the sinner and hate the sin…loving them isn’t condoning their sinful choice.”
- Lucretia in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA writes, “I will no longer, ever, buy another Hallmark product, under any name, unless you pull these cards.”
- Brenda in Olivehurst, CA writes, “Not only I, but my entire family no longer buy cards and gift from your company, and we will not as long as you promote homosexuality.”
- E. in Vista, CA writes, “I will not buy cards from your company anymore as long as you cater to this tragedy.”
- Guy in Kelseyville, CA writes, “Please stop supporting this cause.”
- Marshall in San Francisco, CA writes, “What you will do for a money!”
- Linda in Ramona, CA writes, “I will cease using my hallmark card and from receiving any emails from your company as well.”
- Pam in Lakeport, CA writes, “One Man – One Woman!”
- Joey in Clovis, CA writes, “I promise you that myself or anyone in my family will shop at any Hallmark store unless you repeal this anti-family decision.”
- Walterin Orange, CA writes, “I will stop making any purchases at any Hallmark store until these products are withdrawn.”
- Kathy in Cobb, CA writes, “As a weekly gold crown customer in Montgomery Village Santa Rosa Ca I will no longer support you due to the current stand you have taken.”
- Yanira in San Francisco, CA writes, “NO MORE HALLMARK CARDS…”
- John in La Mesa, CA writes, “I will NOT buy from your store until this practice stops. 1% vs. 99%. Looks like a smart business move to me. I don’t think so!”
- Dave in Roseville, CA writes, “My family and friends will no longer buy any Halllmark products unless and until you stop celebrating homosexual conduct.”
- Dixie in Watsonville, CA writes, “God created Adam and Eve to marry not Joseph and Steve or Mary and Eve!”
- Georgeanna in Trabuco Canyon, CA writes, “I send a lot of cards. Please reconsider your position.”
- Kathy in Mission Viejo, CA writes, “You are putting the dollar over principle. How many cards will you sell to homosexuals vs. non homosexuals? Do the math!”
- Sherrie in Carmichael, CA writes, “I have been collecting Precious Moments figurines for many years now. I won’t be buying them from your stores anymore.”
- Elva in Van Nuys, CA writes, “It is a disgrace what this country is doing about its morality.”
- Margy in San Diego, CA writes, “I encourage you to stand up for morality and not bow to the god of greed.”
- Maricar in San Francisco, CA writes, “I am completely opposed to Hallmark’s Gay Wedding cards.”
- James in Cobb Mountain, CA writes, “Please remove all cards & greetings that support the homosexual lifestye; as it is SIN; and against The Word Of God; Our Families; and Nation.”
- Marina in La Mesa, CA writes, “I am a member of the Hallmark stores and have been a loyal shopper, but this goes against my values, and I cannot support it.”
- Brent in San Diego, CA writes, “Please disregard your stance to pursue encouraging homosexual behavior.”
- Matilda in Brawley, CA writes, “The same goes for my parents & siblings.”
- Kathy in Escalon, CA writes, “I have always been a Hallmark buyer, would really hate to find another brand after all these years.”
- Cathleen in Costa Mesa, CA writes, “I will not scandalize family members with cards mocking tradtional marriage . [It] is unnatural and not healthy for those individuals. That is not love.”
- Elaine in Riverside, CA writes, “You have offended me and lots of others who used to respect the Hallmark name.”
- Victoria in Pasadena, CA writes, “By producing such cards, the company is alienating families and those who uphold traditional marriage. Please take this into consideration.”
- Nancy in Mission Viejo, CA writes, “In the past, I have been a consumer of many Hallmark products, but unless this new policy is revoked, I will not give my business to Hallmark.”
- Deborah in San Jose, CA writes, “It is not right and I will never accept it. I will spend my hard earned money on greeting cards produced by anyone other than Hallmark. Big mistake.”
- Ronald in Chino, CA writes, “I am offended by your Gay Cards and will not be buying anymore from your company. I will print my own rather than to support [this] perversion.”
- Dave in El Sobrante, CA writes, “Although an atheist, even I believe the Bible is right about both these passages.”
- Elly in Fallbrook, CA writes, “We thought highly of Hallmark until now. What a let down! We will encourage others in this boycott.”
- Richard in Sacramento, CA writes, “Some men will choose to maintain the peace at any price, even make a truce with the enemy. Peace is not the absence of war, peace is victory over the enemy.”
- Gary in San Diego, CA writes, “Marriage is a sacred union instituted by God, and re-defining it to include homosexuals makes it profane! Cloaking it in “love” does not make it legitimate!”
- Jeanette in San Diego, CA writes, “Traditional marriage is a God given gift. It saddens me to see the abnormal celebrated just to make a buck.”
- Joan in N Hollwood, CA writes, “I think this is one of the worst types of pandering.”
- Glen in Torrance, CA writes, “God designed sex between a husband and wife. …Sex outside of marriage is wrong. Stop edorsing sexual immorality by recognizing homosexual immorality.”
- Jerry in EL SEGUNDO, CA writes, “I am sending this out to all business, citizens and churches. The Boycott is beginning.”
- Paul in Elk Grove, CA writes, “My family and I will not by Hallmark cards until they reverse their decision.”
- Louise in Thousand Oaks, CA writes, “I have a Hallmark card and shop there frequently, but maybe I’ll take my business elsewhere.”
- Sven in Herald, CA writes, “I’ll be sure to take my business elsewhere… I doubt you’ll be able to withstand the boycott of millions of Christians. Ask Ford how it’s doing.”
- JR in Los Angeles, CA writes, “I will not patronize Hallmark under any circumstance.”
- John in Sacramento, CA writes, “Why can’t you merely remain neutral in the culture wars. This is not the way to increase your profits. You are poorly serving your shareholders.”
- M.E. in LOS ANGELES, CA writes, “We have been purchasing Hallmark cards for over 60 years. We are outraged that you would sell cards that celebrate such immoral & unnatural activity.”
By signing Family Policy Network’s SECURE petition, your name and contact data will be compiled with many others from all over the United States who are opposed Hallmark’s pro-homosexual cards. The list will be forwarded to Hallmark Chairman Donald J. Hall along with the verses above and an admonition to stop endorsing homosexual immorality.
To sign this petition now, click here: |
Thank you for your support. Let’s pray together for Hallmark to do the right thing and pull these cards from their shelves.
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FPN’s Homosexual Ministry Outreach:
FPN Leader Defends the Need for Federal Marriage Amendment on CNN:
Family Policy Network (FPN) is an independent, national, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with board members and advisors in Georgia, Illinois, Michigan, Mississippi, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia and Tennessee. The group has supporters and participants in every state in the nation.