
Declining, Liberal Churches Oppose Biblical Definition of Marriage

“Religious Left Challenges California Marriage Amendment”
Contact: Jeff Walton, Institute on Religion and Democracy: 202-682-4131
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

‘These declining religious groups, primarily the United Church of Christ and Episcopalians, increasingly represent an elite and effete minority.’

Mark Tooley, IRD’s UM Action Executive Director

IRD, WASHINGTON, DC – A group of liberal churches are petitioning the California Supreme Court to overturn the recently voter-approved Proposition 8, which defines marriage as the union of man and woman. The referendum overturns a California Supreme Court decision that temporarily mandated same-sex unions.

The groups include the California Council of Churches, the United Church of Christ, and the Episcopal Bishops of California and Los Angeles. They charge that Proposition 8 is a constitutional “revision” rather than an “amendment”, and thus needs 2/3rds support from the state legislature, in addition to voter approval.

Other religious groups, such as the Roman Catholic Church, many Evangelicals, and the Mormons, favored the constitutional amendment.

Proposition 8 was adopted by a majority of California voters on November 8th, along with marriage amendments in Florida and Arizona. Thirty states have adopted constitutional amendments defining marriage.

UM Action Executive Director Mark Tooley commented:

“Suddenly, leftist religious elites that seldom bother to raise their voices in protest against egregious human rights violations overseas have found an offense that elicits their righteous passions: California’s Proposition 8.

“Unable to persuade California voters, the Religious Left and homosexual activists are again hoping the court will overturn democracy and impose its imperial will.

“Interestingly, the religious groups opposing Proposition 8 are nearly all white racially and suffer from steep membership decline. The religious groups that supported Proposition 8 are more racially diverse and growing.

“These declining religious groups, primarily the United Church of Christ and Episcopalians, increasingly represent an elite and effete minority. No longer religiously significant, they try to be politically significant. But their emptying pews prevent almost any kind of significance.”