
Alabama House Rejects Adding “Sexual Orientation” to Hate Crime Law

Excerpts from “Adding Sexual Orientation to Hate-Crime Law Fails”…
An article in the 5/11/07 Alabama newspaper, The Decatur Daily, by Associated Press Writer Bob Johnson

The Alabama House voted Thursday not to consider a bill to add crimes against people because of their sexual orientation to the state’s hate crimes law, despite an emotional plea from [a homosexual] lawmaker.


The vote against bringing the bill up for debate was 45-43.

Most of the opposition came from Republicans, who said the legislation was not needed because it’s already a crime to assault or kill someone, regardless of the reason.

“We don’t believe in trying to get into the head of a criminal and figure out why he committed a crime,” said House Minority Leader Rep. Mike Hubbard, R-Auburn. “It’s a crime to target any person, regardless of whether they are gay or straight or have green eyes or blue eyes.”

< end of excerpts from article >


Read the entire news article here:

Policy Paper: Reasons “Sexual Orientation” should NOT be added to Hate Crimes categories:

ABC’s 20/20: 1998 Murder of Matthew Shepard Not a “Hate Crime” After All:

ABC’s 20/20: 1998 Murder of Matthew Shepard Not a “Hate Crime” After All