
Weather Grounds Protest Before Race at Talladega

NEWS CONTACT: Joe Glover – 804-419-4483 ext. 456

Talladega, AL – A national pro-family organization’s plans to educate thousands of race fans here April 16 on efforts by Anheuser-Busch to promote homosexuality were cancelled due to bad weather. A late-morning fog kept an airplane and pilot hired by Family Policy Network from leaving Tennessee on the day of the race.

Family Policy Network contracted the airplane to fly a banner over race fans who gathered to watch the Talladega 500. The banner would have greeted over 200,000 fans with the message, “BUD: STOP PROMOTING GAY AGENDA – GAYBEER.COM.”

The web site referenced by the airplane banner is a creation of Family Policy Network. It contains details of Anheuser-Busch’s pro-homosexual activities, including pictures from Bud-sponsored homosexual “pride” parades, Bud Light’s homosexual magazine advertisements, and details of Budweiser’s alarming sponsorship of a sadomasochism festival in California.

The pro-family campaign, which Family Policy Network calls “Race for the Family” began last fall at a national stock car race in Martinsville, Virginia , where volunteers distributed thousands of flyers detailing the beer giant’s pro-homosexual activist efforts. (Martinsville Press Release) A banner was flown over 100,000 race fans in Martinsville which read, “ANHEUSER-BUSCH: STOP PROMOTING HOMOSEXUALITY.” Daytona International Speedway was the second stop on the group’s tour of the national race circuit. (Daytona Press Release) Atlanta Motor Speedway was the third. (Atlanta Press Release)

Several thousand curious web surfers have visited since the site went online last October. Many Anheuser-Busch customers have provided feedback on the site, saying in effect they will not buy the company’s products unless and until it reverses its promotion of deviant homosexual behavior.

Joe Glover, President of the Virginia-based Family Policy Network said, “Anheuser-Busch doesn’t want its right hand to know what its left hand is doing. That’s why you’ll never see them running ads promoting homosexual behavior in any racing magazines. They know that most sports fans would be furious, and never patronize their company again.” When asked why race tracks are the focus of the group’s efforts, Glover says, “There’s no better place to find so many Anheuser-Busch customers who are offended by their promotion of this destructive behavior.”

Glover recently traveled to St. Louis, the hometown of Anheuser-Busch, to inform media there on the company’s promotion of homosexual behavior. An article detailing Family Policy Network’s efforts to educate race fans on the issue appeared on the front page of the business section of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch the next day. (Post-Dispatch Article on “Race for the Family”)
