Here is a sampling of the issues Family Policy Network confronted in 2012:

CA Reparative Therapy Ban Put on Hold


A federal appeals court last week put the brakes on a first-of-its-kind California law that bans therapy aimed at helping children with same sex attraction who want Continue Reading →

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New Pro-Homosexual ‘Bible’ Hits the Bookshelves

Calling it “fabulous,” a publisher has come out with a new translation of the Bible that “resolves any homophobic interpretations,” deeming it the “Queen James” version. The Continue Reading →

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Nation Mourns Newtown Tragedy


The entire nation is grieving the senseless killing of 20 children and seven adults in Newtown, Connecticut last Friday. People throughout the nation have been grief-stricken since Continue Reading →

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HHS Should NOT Approve Abortion-Inducing Pills for Minors OTC


Pro-abortion health and women’s advocacy groups are pressuring the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to remove the current age-restrictions on non-prescription access to the controversial Continue Reading →

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Christian Business Found Guilty for Not Promoting Homosexuality


A Kentucky T-shirt manufacturer has been found guilty of “sexual orientation” discrimination for refusing to print T-shirts for a community homosexual festival. Organizers of the Lexington, Kentucky “gay pride” event had filed the complaint Continue Reading →

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FPN Corrects Rick Warren: Homosexuality IS Sinful


Rick Warren, author of the best-selling book The Purpose-Driven Life and megachurch leader of Saddleback Church in California says he is not certain that homosexuality is a sin and believes homosexuals go to Heaven. But Alex Mason, policy analyst for the Family Policy Network says, “The concept of a ‘gay Christian’ is an oxymoron in light of scripture… Continue Reading →

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113th Congress Least Devout

A “Faith on the Hill” study released last week by the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life says the newly elected Congress may be Continue Reading →

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Majority Still Wants Traditional Marriage


Despite the disappointing outcomes in four states that voted on the issue of marriage on November 6, a national poll conducted on Election Day found that a Continue Reading →

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Planned Parenthood “Thrilled” at Election Outcome


The day after last week’s election, Planned Parenthood Federation of America President Cecile Richards said she was “thrilled” that President Barack Obama was reelected, because it ensures Continue Reading →

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FPN President Urges Trust in God’s Providence


With the 2012 elections now behind us, many winners and losers are feeling strong emotions about the results. And while involvement in politics is an important Christian Continue Reading →

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Birk Warns of Loss of Religious Liberty

Baltimore Ravens All-Pro Center Matt Birk says “Marylanders should not be fooled into thinking we can redefine marriage and still protect our religious liberty.” The comment came Continue Reading →

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Obama Throws Support Behind Gay Marriage Initiatives

President Barack Obama last week threw his support behind ballot measures in Maine, Maryland and Washington state that would legalize same-sex marriage. Though the president first voiced Continue Reading →

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DOMA Ruled Unconstitutional


A U.S. appeals court in New York last week ruled that defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman unconstitutionally denies federal benefits to Continue Reading →

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ALA Bans Books While Decrying Banned Books


The American Library Association’s Banned Books Week has just wrapped up. During that week, the Association bemoans the fact that certain books are not accepted in libraries. Continue Reading →

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California Bans Sexual Orientation Change Therapy for Children

California is the first state in the nation to ban mental health professionals from engaging in “sexual orientation change” therapy for minors, regardless of the wishes of Continue Reading →

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Hobby Lobby Suing Over Health Care Mandate

Hobby Lobby is the latest business to file a federal lawsuit challenging a mandate in the nation’s health care overhaul law that requires employers to provide coverage Continue Reading →

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God Becomes Controversial at DNC

The floor of the Democratic National Convention erupted Wednesday over a sudden move to restore to the platform a reference to “God” and recognition of Jerusalem as Continue Reading →

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National Eat at Chick-Fil-A Day


You have one more opportunity to express your support for the pro-marriage stance of one of the nation’s most popular fast food chains by attending a “National Continue Reading →

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Target Supporting LGBT Efforts

Target was a major contributor to Gay Pride Month in June. The department store sold gay pride t-shirts nationwide during the month and gave 100 percent of Continue Reading →

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SCOTUS Indecency Ruling Not a Total Loss

Morality in Media says the U. S. Supreme Court ruling in FCC v. Fox leaves the Federal Communications Commission free to enforce federal broadcast TV indecency law.

Patrick Trueman, MIM’s president, said “While the ruling is not what (we were) hoping for, it should be understood that the high court did not strike down the federal indecency law, nor did it uphold the decision of the U. S. Court of Appeals finding that the FCC enforcement regulations of that law were unconstitutional. Instead, the Court found that…Fox and ABC, did not have “fair notice” that their broadcasts, which were found to violate FCC indecency regulations, were actionably indecent. That is because the broadcasts in question occurred prior to the issuance of FCC regulations under which they were charged.” Continue Reading →

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Study Finds Differences in Children With Same Sex Parents

A major new national study finds “numerous, consistent differences” between the young adult children of homosexual parents and young adults who were raised by their own married mothers and fathers. The findings are from the New Family Structures Study, an ongoing, federally funded study at the University of Texas.

The study is following a nationally random sample of young adults who were raised in a variety of family forms, including a large sample of young adults with parents who were involved in same-sex relationships. Continue Reading →

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Federal Court Strikes Down DOMA

A federal appeals court last week declared that the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutionally denies federal benefits to married gay couples, a ruling all but certain to wind up before the U.S. Supreme Court.

In its unanimous decision, the three-judge panel of the 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston said the 1996 law that defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman deprives gay couples of the rights and privileges granted to heterosexual couples. Continue Reading →

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White House Refuses to Answer if Obama Opposes Sex Selection Abortions

The White House does not yet know whether President Barack Obama is for or against banning sex-selection abortions.

Asked last week about where the president stands on a bill proposed in the House that would ban abortions based on the gender of the unborn child, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said he would have to check. Continue Reading →

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Planned Parenthood Caught Encouraging Sex Selection Abortion

The investigative pro-life group Live Action, which has released videos exposing the abuses at the Planned Parenthood abortion business across the country, has released a new video showing a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Austin, Texas encouraging a woman to get a sex-selection abortion. Continue Reading →

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White House Wants to Force Chaplains to Perform Same-Sex ‘Ceremonies’

The Obama administration “strongly objects” to provisions in a House defense authorization bill that would prohibit the use of military property for same-sex “marriage or marriage-like” ceremonies, and protect military chaplains from negative repercussions if they refuse to perform a same-sex marriage ceremony or other duties that violate their consciences.

The White House Office of Management and Budget recommends that President Obama veto the authorization bill if its cumulative effects “impede the ability of the Administration to execute the new defense strategy and to properly direct scarce resources.” Continue Reading →

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Pepsi Stops Using Aborted Fetal Cells

Pepsi says it will no longer use aborted fetal cells to develop flavor enhancers. The announcement prompted Children of God for Life to end its yearlong boycott of the soft drink company.

Children of God for Life’s Executive Director, Debi Vinnedge, hailed PepsiCo’s decision as a major breakthrough and achievement by thousands of concerned consumers who have been writing and boycotting PepsiCo beverages since last May. Continue Reading →

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October Baby Doing Well with Audiences

While pundits call October Baby controversial, the surprise hit with a dramatic, humorous love story at its heart continues to win over audiences nationwide. The movie entered Continue Reading →

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Shocking HIV Infection Data from CDC

New data from the Centers for Disease Control shows that between 2006 – 2009 the greatest rate of HIV infection came for 13-24 year old males who had sex with men. The increase was a staggering 53 percent.

The shocking findings come at a time when the mainstream media is celebrating “queer proms” while demonizing those who warn that homosexuality is a harmful lifestyle. Continue Reading →

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Support for Abortion Provider Hurts Breast Cancer Fundraiser

The decision of Susan G. Komen Foundation leaders to realign with Planned Parenthood is proving to be a costly one. Many of Komen’s previous supporters no longer share excitement for the group’s 2012 “Race for the Cure” fundraising project orchestrated to help find a cure for breast cancer. With just days to go before the race, registration has decreased significantly. Organizers point to fallout from the firestorm. Continue Reading →

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Vanderbilt Christian Groups Test School Policy

Eleven religious student groups at Vanderbilt University have united to reapply for registered status in the school, even though their religious requirements for leaders violate Vanderbilt’s non-discrimination Continue Reading →

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GOP House Leadership Retreating on Opposition to Gay Marriage

Politico is pointing out that House Republicans are retreating on homosexual marriage. The political website says just a few years ago the group was doing all it Continue Reading →

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Pro Family Group Calls for Boycott of Starbucks

The National Organization for Marriage is calling for a boycott of Starbucks because of the company’s support of homosexual “marriage” and its opposition to the Defense of Continue Reading →

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3/23/12: Marriage Numbers in Decline

Nearly 40 percent of women have never been married, and fewer are in a first marriage, that’s according to a new government report that takes a detailed Continue Reading →

3/20/12: Businessman Sues HHS over Obamacare

A Missouri businessman has filed a first-of-a-kind lawsuit against requirement in ObamaCare that he provide for his employees free insurance coverage of contraceptives, sterilizations, and the “morning-after” Continue Reading →

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3/6/12: Sebelius: Decrease in Human Beings Will Cover Contraceptive Costs

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius told a House panel Thursday that a reduction in the number of human beings born in the United States will Continue Reading →

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2/27/12: Seven States Challenge So-Called “Contraception” Mandate

Seven states filed a lawsuit last week to block the federal government’s requirement that religious organizations offer health insurance coverage that includes free access to contraceptives and Continue Reading →

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Facebook Censors Pro-Life Pictures, Allows Abortion Instructions

The world’s largest social media empire is showing its true colors on the abortion issue. Facebook has begun censoring pro-life images that depict the brutal aftermath of abortion. Yet, in a shocking display of a double-standard, it allows pro-abortion groups to post do-it-yourself instructions to kill a child in the womb.

The image being censored is a version of a popular Internet meme that has exploded throughout the web. If you’re on Facebook, you’ve probably seen friends post photos from the “What I Do” meme, an often light-hearted look at how various people perceive certain occupations. Continue Reading →

Civil Unions Proposal in WV Proves Need for Strong Marriage Amendment

Legislators in West Virginia have been considering an amendment to the state’s constitution (SJR-14) that would define marriage as the union between one man and one woman. The trouble is, that’s the only thing it does. The proposed amendment only protects the eight letters in the word marriage, and does nothing to actually protect the institution itself by also prohibiting civil unions, domestic partnerships, and other counterfeits. Continue Reading →

2/15/12: FPN Questions Conclusion of Abortion Research

A research organization has just released a new study indicating that teen pregnancy and abortion rates are at a record low. The research was conducted by The Continue Reading →

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Washington State Approves “Gay Marriage,” But God Doesn’t

Legislators in Washington State are on the verge of creating a government-endorsed “right” to immorality. News reports indicate that a proposed law instituting so-called “gay marriage” in The Evergreen State is now likely to pass both state houses.

If passed, the proposed law would mean Washington will join New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Iowa and Washington, D.C. in desecrating an institution created and defined by God. It is important to note that each of those seven states (plus Washington, D.C.) will have so-called “gay marriage” as a result of rogue state courts or legislatures. There has not yet been a single state to approve homosexual “marriage” as a result of popular referendum. Continue Reading →

Surgical Abortion Rates Decrease, Yet Chemical Abortion Rate Could Be Rising

A research organization has just released its new study indicating that teen pregnancy and abortion rates are at a record low.

Of course, this research organization known as The Guttmacher Institute is funded by Planned Parenthood and is recognized by pro-lifers as little more than a mouthpiece for Planned Parenthood’s murderous activities. Continue Reading →

2/9/12: Komen Official Quits Over Decision to Re-fund Planned Parenthood

A high-ranking official resigned this week from the Susan G. Komen for the Cure breast-cancer charity. Karen Handel, the charity’s vice president for public policy, quit in Continue Reading →

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2/2/12: Susan B. Koman Drops Planned Parenthood

The Susan G. Komen Foundation, a group that raises money for breast cancer research, says it will no longer partner with Planned Parenthood affiliates. Planned Parenthood is Continue Reading →

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1/25/12: Obama Says Abortion Helps Daughters “Fulfill Their Dreams”

Last Sunday was the 39th anniversary of the infamous Roe vs. Wade decision. As other presidents have done, President Obama issued a statement on the anniversary expressing Continue Reading →

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1/18/12: AFA Says Boycott of Home Depot Having an Impact

The American Family Association says its boycott of Home Depot may be having an impact. AFA spokesman, Randy Sharp says “We’re seeing some movement. It appears that Continue Reading →

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Obama Administration To Fund Murderous Research

The Obama administration seems bent on destroying the unborn in the name of “science.”

President Obama’s National Institutes of Health (NIH) director has just approved four more human embryonic stem cell lines as eligible for federal research funding. Not only is research on embryonic stem cells (i.e., their destruction) morally wrong, but it is LESS effective than using other types of stem cells. Continue Reading →

Supreme Court Upholds Religious Freedom in Employment Laws

Last week a unanimous U.S. Supreme Court reaffirmed that religious employers can keep the government out of their hiring and firing decisions. In the case, former teacher Continue Reading →

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911 Tape Reveals Another Botched Abortion by Planned Parenthood

A newly-released 911 tape shows that Planned Parenthood has botched yet another abortion.

The abortion was performed on a 28 year-old patient at a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Virginia Beach, Virginia back in October of 2011. Evidently, the abortionist botched his murder of the child and the woman began to suffer heavy bleeding, causing a clinic employee to call 911 Continue Reading →

Abortion Toll Will Rise in 2012 Because of Obama Administration

Many pro-lifers aren’t opposed to barrier methods of contraception, but all pro-lifers should be opposed to chemical birth control methods that interfere with the implantation of a newly-conceived human zygote. Since consistent pro-lifers reason that life begins at conception, they are in opposition not only to birth control methods that rip children from the womb (i.e., surgical abortion), but also to those methods that prevent newly-conceived children from ever getting there (i.e., chemical abortion). Continue Reading →

Being Pro-Life Means Opposing Both Surgical AND Chemical Abortions

Female pro-abortion activists criticize pro-lifers of many things, but one of their favorite accusations is that of sexism. Nevermind that many pro-life activists are women, a fact that logically derails the sexism charge. In an age of political correctness, feminists know just how inflammatory and discrediting an accusation of sexism is, so they use it with gusto. Continue Reading →