Here is a sampling of the issues Family Policy Network confronted in 2004:
Lesbian researcher claims ‘gay’ families ‘just as happy’:
(FPN) – A lesbian professor at the University of Virginia has co-authored “research” claiming teenagers whose parents are in lesbian relationships are just as happy and do Continue Reading →
Specter Should NOT Be Judiciary Chairman
“Judiciary Chairmanship Requires Objectivity – Reasons why a Specter Chairmanship should be opposed On the same day President Bush delivered his victory speech for gaining a second Continue Reading →
Specter to Become Judiciary Chairman After All:
“Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter raised the ire of pro-family conservatives by inferring Bush’s pro-life judges may not be confirmed by the Senate. After a bitter controversy ensued, Continue Reading →
Specter opposed for Judiciary Chairmanship
In 2004, FPN educated citizens on Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter’s (R-PA) history of opposing conservative judges. (FPN) On the same day President Bush delivered his victory speech Continue Reading →
FPN Pres. calls on Sen. Specter to apologize to President
Pro-family leader described PA Senator as ‘ungrateful’ to Bush for help in primary Forest, VA – The leader of a pro-family organization that tracks federal judicial nominations Continue Reading →
The stabilizing impact of traditional marriage
To understand why gay “marriage” should be opposed, one must first understand why civilized societies have always rewarded and protected real marriage. There are three primary reasons why marriage historically has been, and should continue to be defined as a committed, lifelong, monogamous relationship between a man and a woman.” [more…] Continue Reading →
Citizens Reacted Angrily to Senator’s ’04 ‘Hate Crimes’ Vote
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This page contains the personal opinions of individuals reacting to George Allen’s 2004 vote supporting legislation that will increase already-tough penalties against criminals simply because Continue Reading →
U.S. Senator Lied to Conservatives, Voted for ‘Hate Crimes’ Legislation
FPN is launching a major offensive against U.S. Senator George Allen (R-VA) this week for voting to add “sexual orientation” to the Federal Hate Crimes Act on June 15th. Allen, while campaigning for the U.S. Senate in 2000, pledged his opposition to pro-homosexual legislation with conservative Christians. Just halfway into his first term in office, Allen is breaking his promise. Continue Reading →