Angry Homosexual Activists Try to Silence Christian Group’s Message at VA County Fair

Excerpts from “Gay Activists Assault Ex-Gay, Trash Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays Booth at Fair” By Peter J. Smith, – August 28, 2007 Angry homosexual activists harassed and assaulted ex-homosexuals at the Arlington County Fair during the week of August 19, 2007, according to an ex-gay educational and support group. Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays (PFOX) reports its volunteers were distributing education materials on same-sex attraction and awareness of ex-homosexuals at their fair booth. Homosexual activists approached them and created a disturbance, spewing obscenities and dashing materials from the exhibit table. … The confrontation escalated after one activist struck a PFOX ex-gay volunteer after becoming infuriated over the man’s testimony about leaving the homosexual lifestyle. A police officer then ejected the activist from the fairgrounds, although the ex-homosexual volunteer declined to press charges citing the example of Jesus Christ. … The incident, while not uncommon in PFOX experience, continues to highlight homosexual activists’ rejection of tolerance and equal access ideas opposing and competing with the homosexual agenda. < end of excerpts from article > Read the entire news article here: